That one thing.


2018 (Holiday Season)

Students play a weird game during Sinterklaas. You buy random gifts for your friends and after dicing, switching and trading, you end up with your final gifts. Lovely, but there’s that one thing you actually wanted, or in Dutch: dat ene hebbedingetje.

Agency: Dept
Concept & Copy: Ferdy Joosen
Art: Bas Heijnis & Ferdy Joosen
CD: Japie Stoppelenburg

Sinterklaas says sorry …

If you’re the largest e-commerce platform in the Netherlands & Belgium, the holiday season is a biggie. And sadly, not everything goes smooth… Who better to apologise to the sweet kids than Sinterklaas himself?

Agency: Dept
Concept & Copy: Ferdy Joosen
Art: Bas Heijnis & Ferdy Joosen
ACD: Bob Toorenaar
Produced by: Holy Fools

Yikes, bad gift?

Giving or receiving a bad gift; one of the harsh realities of the holiday season. We therefore tried (!) to introduce a new term for it: Cadoei, or very freely translated Gift-oops.

Agency: Dept
Concept & Copy: Ferdy Joosen
Art: Bas Heijnis & Ferdy Joosen
ACD: Bob Toorenaar
Produced by: Holy Fools

Additionally created two social posts that show the wrong (but funny) gifts people get during the holidays.

Old songs with a twist.

Of course, Sinterklaas needs to know where to deliver the gifts, so the kids sing old school songs to their chimneys. Let’s give these old songs a modern twist.

Mentioned on: Adformatie & Emerce


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